Everyone needs a story

Everyone needs a story.Some beautiful and some shabby but at the end of the day you just want a story and so do I.

Like a small child inside a huge mall your eyes will go left and right but will never stop,a huge hand will hold you only if this is a fairy tale,buckle up everyone is on their own.Noone will be their for us but that person in the mirror will always be there.You will be there for you and I will be there for me but if it were utopia I would love to be with you.

The story goes from two strangers to people whom fate brought together to a perfect bond that I hope never get broken.How would it be if I lived in utopia with him? I don’t know for sure but something I know is that I could let my lips loose because the chain that tangles my heart would be an imagination, because I wouldn’t be scared to lose what I have had but the sad reality is in a few months of time I see us apart walking two different ways barely holding hands until destiny bound us to go anti parallel and yet still my lips are stuck but these hands are courageous.Something is inevitable and these things are bound to happen,like he not being there but in my dream land we would be there.With a cup of coffee, a bitter one just like me and a loose grey sweater on a cold snowy hill we would hold hands or may be somewhere down by riverside or bonfire you would sing a song for me, an Elvis Presley’s classic. Alright I would put that way and trust me I have but it’s just in my dreamland.

Separation is inevitable.But what do I know is 10 years from now is when I have a chilled beer on my hand and I will be on roof top staring at the moon and stars.One star that I see will see you,it wont tell u and neither will I but in my mind will be a beautiful reflection of someone special as tears roll down gently for the sake or maybe it won’t rather I would prefer to smile for the moments we lived. You will be sleeping soundly unsure whether your garden of dreams will let me have play. And exactly 60 years from now the star that saw you will tell me what it saw as my soul passes through every good and bad,I will make a trip around the globe just to see if you did well and crush through gates of heaven and wait because no, we can never bid a final goodbye but I bet it will be beautiful to actually say “Hello you remember me?”

Only if this were to ever come true but maybe heavens don’t exist and yet it doesn’t matter because I found one in us.Unsure how long will it last!

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